Spirit. Mind. Body. Soul. Heart.

Unleash Your True Self and Live with Purpose

  • Unearth Your Authenticity

  • Deepen Your Connection to Self

  • Fully Embody Your Life’s Purpose

  • Ignite the Joy and Awe Within You

  • Craft a Vision that Energizes & Inspires You Daily

  • Turn Your Dreams into Actionable Goals

  • Amplify and Honor Your Unique Gifts

  • Step into a Life of Abundance & Boundless Growth

  • Reignite Your Commitment to Living Fully

  • Take Bold Action Now!

As a Co-Active Coach in certification, I am dedicated to guiding you on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. My approach is heart-centered and intentional, inviting every part of you into the coaching space. Here’s how I support my clients:

• Navigating career changes and embracing professional growth with clarity and confidence

• Unearthing your inner leader and embracing your innate strengths

• Cultivating self-belief and quieting the inner critic with compassion

•Nurturing deeper, more meaningful connections with family, friends, and partners

• Creating a harmonious and balanced life aligned with your true desires

• Embracing a healthier, more joyful, and playful way of living

• Empowering you to manifest abundance, align your time with your values, and turn your dreams into reality

Let’s co-create a path that honors who you are and where you want to go.

Heart-centered transformation


I’ve been a resilient spirit since day one. Born prematurely, weighing just over four pounds, I spent my early weeks in an incubator, unable to be held. At 3, I was navigating life as a child of divorce. My childhood was marked by unimaginable challenges, including abuse that left me feeling lost and disconnected. Survival became my focus, and I found myself relying on dissociation, food, and people-pleasing just to get through each day. My truth remained hidden until my twenties, when I finally broke the silence.

As a child, I struggled to read, focus, or connect. Adulthood brought new challenges; I didn’t know how to have meaningful relationships, but I kept trying. After a heartbreaking breakup, I hit rock bottom and was forced to confront the reality of who I was and what I wanted. That breaking point was a turning point, igniting a journey of recovery, therapy, and self-discovery. I found the courage to heal and reimagine my life.

Today, I live with the fierce conviction that joy, freedom, and transformation are possible. I believe deeply in the power of perseverance, curiosity, and the willingness to keep showing up for yourself. I’ve experienced the profound magic of walking through pain to find purpose, and it’s why I’m so passionate about the work I do. I am living proof that life’s darkest storms can lead to the most radiant dawns, that it’s possible not just to survive, but to thrive.

My coaching is rooted in the lessons I’ve learned through my own journey. I understand what it’s like to be trapped in the brambles of heartbreak, loss, and trauma, only to find the strength to break free and rise. I help my clients navigate whatever barriers hold them back, empowering them to reclaim their lives and uncover their own joy, freedom, and power.

I’m here to help you rewrite your story, to embrace your whole self, and to step boldly into your dreams. Together, we will explore new perspectives and create new ways of being. You are not alone on this journey, and you don’t have to walk through the darkness by yourself. Life is a miraculous journey of self-discovery, and I believe that each of us is a miracle. If you don’t yet see your own light, let’s work together to uncover it. The only way through is through, and I am here to help you find your way to the bliss that awaits you on the other side.

I am a coach, teacher, mentor, writer, performer, artist, filmmaker, friend and fellow of recovery, and proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community. I am a survivor. I am a human. I am a believer in the power of human connection & transformation. 

Together we will get you

where you want to be,

farther than you imagined.

and quite possibly

Let’s align your Spirit, Mind, Body, Soul, and Heart and get you on the path to your greatest vision…You!

Email me and let’s get started on your transformation today!